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New Yuri's Revenge Tournament Pack Released

[CC] RaVaGe

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That's right comrades, a new Tournament Pack that includes a whole bunch of exciting new maps and a new category called Tournament. You can find these in the "Tournament" drop-down game mode in the CnCNet Yuri's Revenge client.  Now you can truely have your "Pro" games without forgetting to change those settings back from crates.

Awesome. Where do I find this update?
Right there in the client, under the Game Mode dropdown you can choose the new Game Mode called Tournament. In here the maps will show up.


The detail....

New game mode to custom games called "Tournament".

This game mode is aimed at competitive players and tournament organisers as it enforces the same game settings as found on CnCNet's ranked ladder with the exception of "Multi Engineer" & "No Dog Engineer Kills" as those settings are left available to satisfy player preference. 

The maps under this mode are selected by competitive balance and most of the maps are heavily edited counter parts of their original cousins to ensure the best game-play experience and fairness to all three factions found in the game.

The games played under this new game mode do NOT count as ranked ladder matches and wins or losses will not be recorded by CnCNet.

New competitive [Pro] versions of eight completely new maps playable under Battle & Tournament game modes.

Pinch Points by WaveShiko



Lovely Snow by WaveShiko



Stardusk by WaveShiko



Bloodfeud II by Toveena



Dune Patrol II by Toveena



Cloudnine by Speeder



Proving Grounds by FReQuEnZy



Tournament Map P by FReQuEnZy



New five re-balanced versions of original maps playable under Battle & Tournament game modes.

Dry Heat






Sahara Mirage






Twin Peaks (renamed to Twin Plateaus)

posted image



Please keep in in mind that all of the above is the result of the continuous efforts different community members and progress does depend on player feedback.  Any constructive suggestions and bug reports should be PMed to @FReQuEnZy

Thanks go out to...

@Speeder for letting me use maps from the Mental Omega mod's map pool.
The talented WaveShiko for making new maps like a machine and allowing me to edit them.

@Toveena for making new versions of maps inspired by Westwood's originals.

@Omituinen @heldro @ZAIN @Linfeng For play testing the maps.

@FlyingMustache & daijobu for providing valuable feedback and solutions to existing balance problems.

@Grant & @dkeeton for their continued support of the community and helping me to develop this update.

If I forgot anyone, please PM me or Grant!

Edited by FReQuEnZy
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19 hours ago, FReQuEnZy said:

The maps under this mode are selected by competitive balance and most of the maps are heavily edited counter parts of their original cousins to ensure the best game-play experience and fairness to all three factions found in the game.

What exactly was changed?

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On 7/1/2018 at 10:07 PM, FReQuEnZy said:

Even with the ore balanced, it's still better for Soviet.

Country swing is a balanced map for all factions how many times should i say so ? -_- 

martin no offense but you just screawed all maps :( 

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1 hour ago, JSDS said:

martin no offense but you just screawed all maps :( 

No offence but comments like yours is what cause people to stop contributing to the community.
If you can do better then go ahead and do it, if you got nothing constructive to say then don't post at all.

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On 7/5/2018 at 6:22 PM, FReQuEnZy said:

No offence but comments like yours is what cause people to stop contributing to the community.
If you can do better then go ahead and do it, if you got nothing constructive to say then don't post at all.

dafuq is wrong with you ? 

as a person from this "community" in my opinion you fucked up. 

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18 hours ago, FlyingMustache said:

Nothing is wrong with this exchange. You gave him your opinion, and then he gave you his. The sanctimonious rhetoric isn't needed.

and now you are giving us your opining ..


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