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Everything posted by FunkyFr3sh

  1. Can you upload the savegame? Is "singlecpu" set to "true" inside of ddraw.ini in your game folder?
  2. So it only crashes with that one specific savegame? You can attach the file here on your next post
  3. It's a bug in wine, it just happens randomly and usually just disappears again. Did you try to just reboot?
  4. FunkyFr3sh

    need help please

    What is the exact name of the chromebook (so we can do some research)? Also, what is the exact error message you get?
  5. FunkyFr3sh

    need help please

    Does it have a intel cpu? If that's the case then there is probably a way to get it done
  6. Check this: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/10238-macos-downloads-removed/?tab=comments#comment-77015
  7. Loading save games via cncnet skirmish isn't supported atm. see here:
  8. Open ddraw.ini and change your renderer, try GDI
  9. Not sure why that would happen, but you can try the following: On CnCNet, go to Settings->CnCNet->Game Settings and change your game port (try 8055). If it still doesn't work, try to run CnCNet as admin once. If it still doesn't work, try to install CnCNet again but this time install it to a different folder.
  10. Try to change your renderer in the settings
  11. Option 1: Install CnCNet https://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge If it still doesn't work, open CnCNet and change the renderer to cnc-ddraw and then retry. Option 2: Install cnc-ddraw directly without CnCNet https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw/releases
  12. Option 1: Install CnCNet https://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge If it still doesn't work, open CnCNet and change the renderer to cnc-ddraw and then retry. Option 2: Install cnc-ddraw directly without CnCNet https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw/releases
  13. For upscaling you can use cnc-ddraw: https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw/releases If you want to run the game at a higher resolution rather than upscaling 640x400 then patch your game with this: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/1165-how-to-install-red-alert-1-on-windows-xp-vista-7-8-10-linux-mac-32-64bit/ Note: If you patch your game you will lose your save games, but theres a option in the installer to install save games for all missions though.
  14. We have nothing to do with the renegade servers, our website only shows a list of servers. The servers are hosted by players.
  15. Probably a problem with your drivers, check the website of the manufacturer of your pc and see if they have a updated audio driver. Maybe the tool from intel can solve the problem for you automatically too, it's worth a try at least https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html
  16. All maps that receive more than 50% of the votes will be added. If there is none then the two maps with the most votes will be added only. Poll will close automatically in 1 week. This poll is for ladder players only, please don't vote if you're not interested in playing ranked games! https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/11-2019/ra/
  17. Yeah it would be nice to have that, but we need someone who is willing to work on it. Here is what we have right now (1vs1 ladder) https://github.com/CnCNet/cncnet-ladder-api
  18. We're going to have a ladder map poll soon, you can suggest maps that should be added to the poll here. If it's a new/unknown map or a modified version of a original map then please add a screenshot. https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/11-2019/ra/
  19. Try a skirmish game, if it doesn't happen there then it's just the normal delay you get in online games.
  20. So players would have to report the wins/losses manually or some chosen ladder admins report the wins/losses? Why don't you integrate that here? https://github.com/CnCNet/cncnet-ladder-api I guess that could be a used as a starting point for the clan ladder (and later we figure out how to automate the game result reporting)
  21. It's probably the no-cd patch that is causing the issues (it requires that some files need to be renamed or moved around). Try the TSinstaller installation + the exe i attached below (That exe is from TSpatch for TFD/Origin without renamed files) You can also try the freeware release: OfficialCnCTiberianSun.rar: https://www.moddb.com/games/cc-tiberian-sun/downloads/cc-tiberian-sun-with-firestorm-free-full-game TSPatch: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/2606-tiberian-sun-patches-fix-for-the-windows-8-10-menu-problems-and-more/ game.zip
  22. take these two: Vollständiges No-CD Spiel-Installationspaket (v1.06c r3, keine Videos, Musik ist enthalten) (96.7 MB) Deutsche Videopaket (493.7 MB) It will work on win 10 if you follow the instructions here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/8821-cc-1-tiberian-dawn-installation-on-windows-10/
  23. Pick a game here https://cncnet.org/download Scroll down and click on "View All Downloads" and then download the "Full Game"
  24. Yeah the logs are sent automatically, unless you have the log upload disabled in the settings. There are 2 logs right now and both have a player named "Kevin" inside, so I guess that might be you? Saturday, 12-Oct-19 22:40:37 UTCSaturday, 12-Oct-19 23:05:32 UTC Might be a good idea to just keep the map the way it is right now and just try to generate 4-5 additional logs, it would help a lot (more logs = better). Yeah we could add some icons for the civilians, not sure if someone already made icons for them though... - quack quack
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