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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. It was always a mistake on cncnet that you could build refineries in megawealth mode. That mistake has been corrected in the latest version.
  2. 3.87 Ranked Match Bug fixes Now the client remembers your last used player name Improved logging RA2 Mode Fixed the bug where AI would crash the game if superweapons were enabled Fixed the crash caused service depot General Support for resolutions over 1580 pixel height Game Modes work again New ra2md.ini key under [Options], DisableEdgeScrolling
  3. Which game? Can you give a screenshot?
  4. Do you know which map or when and who got a recent error?
  5. Yes, Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, and Tiberian Sun are all p2p games that fallback to servers when a p2p connection cannot be made. Yuri's Revenge and mods use a tunnel server only (except in ranked matches), eventually Yuri's Revenge will get updated for p2p.
  6. It could be that windows is scaling the game for high your high DPI display. If that's the case you'll need to disable high dpi scaling for the game exe.
  7. Looks like the client changed upstream and we didn't modify the installation to match. This will be fixed in the next update.
  8. You might have to change the renderer in the Options menu. Try default first, then ts-ddraw, then narzoul.
  9. Maybe your antivirus is blocking the update? Try to delete the folder called Updater and restart the client.
  10. If you want to play red alert 2 on Cncnet you have to have Yuri's Revenge installed. In the Cncnet game lobby, there is a checkbox to put the game in ra2 mode.
  11. Can you find the game specifically? https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/3-2018/yr/player/Vwwwwwwww
  12. Can you check that this is still the case after the updates in 3.81 ?
  13. 3.84 Red Alert 2: Sound for Capturing tech buildings has been restored MCV deploy sound has been restored Yuri is now able to mind control 1 unit General: A crash that can happen at the score screen has been fixed.
  14. I discovered that if you make the spawn locations all 0 it will be random. So like if you put spawn_order = 0,0 the spawn locations will be randomly chosen by the game, which should always make them diagonals.
  15. I took the rules.ini file and added the things that were hardcoded in RA2, but then became INI settings in YR. In some cases the [Section] changed for config knobs and I moved those. So I thought that maybe I changed [Mindcontrol] settings but as you've pointed out, I didn't change that, it's just the Damage knob changed meanings and I didn't know it. (Actually, tomsons did notice and try to tell me but I didn't understand him sorry @tomsons26) I will correct it. Maybe the deploy sound was hard coded to be the same for every BaseUnit. I just need to find the sound file then I'll be able to correct it. The crashfile will be useful. Looks like it's crashing while writing the stats.
  16. Can you confirm there is a sound in RA2? I can't get Origin to launch atm. Do you still have the EXCEPT_CNCNET.TXT file or do you know what username you used when it crashed? [MindControl] Damage=10 ; I think this his how many units Yuri can mind control. Right now this is 10, I don't know why I put it to 10. Should it be 1? (spawner2.xdp)
  17. Ra2 mode has been updated and some problems that were reported here are fixed. See the notes here
  18. You can try it, but test to make sure the qm client doesn't crash when you put map 65 in.
  19. dkeeton


    What game are you trying to play?
  20. There is no longer a limit of 32 maps. I don' think there is a limit but I wouldn't go above 64. \ The number of vetoes in the admin panel represents the number of player vetoes. (I've set it back to 4 for now) Super-weapons can be set to Random and ra2mode can be set to random, but ra2mode will crash on a scenario where Yuri is allowed. (also ra2mode stats probably won't work right).
  21. You can try to put TIBSUN.MIX from your native language install in to your cncnet game folder. It might fail to connect with other players. If it does fail, then come back here and we might have some more instructions for you.
  22. The game may crash randomly if it's allowed to run on multiple processors. If that happens and you have to set single processor affinity again, you can disable the score screen by putting SkipScoreScreen=Yes under [Options] in RA2MD.INI
  23. It's going to take a lot of work to get more maps. I haven't starting working on it yet, but I do have a plan to increase the limit. In the next update, we'll also be able include random maps too which, if you wanted to do it, would take 1 scenario slot per random map topography.
  24. In order to allow for 3 user vetoes, you need to set the veto count to 13. That will allow 10 auto-faction vetoes and 3 user vetoes. I was the one who changed it previously, and I've just changed it again.
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