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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Doesn't the CD installer still work, though?
  2. The only C&C game that uses CD audio tracks is the Sega Saturn version. To play DOS C&C, I see no reason to use a Windows '95 machine. I'm fairly sure Win95 was never able to display graphical DOS content without switching to fullscreen mode anyway. My advice, just use DOSBox.
  3. I transcribed the full lyrics a while ago, after finding that exact scene. Here they are:
  4. Nyerguds

    C&C sprites?

    Wait, what? That's not a normal part of a C&C95 installation... Uh. For C&C, it's just in there with all the rest, inside conquer.mix In RA, the infantry are in lores.mix/hires.mix if I remember correctly, for respectively the original DOS infantry and the ugly upscaled versions of RA95.
  5. Oh, yes. That is true for all double-firing weapons. If for some reason they stop in the middle of a salvo they will continue with that single shot. The constant desyncing is new though. Haven't seen that
  6. Come now. That also means you skipped Warcraft 1 Dune II doesn't have multiple unit select. Heck, it doesn't even have a context-sensitive mouse cursor. It's the descendant of BattleTech games, which is really more like RPG/adventure games, in that you control one thing, and use buttons with different commands on them. The idea of the context-sensitive mouse cursor was actually conceived when they had to simplify the controls for the Sega Megadrive version of the game. That's... not a bug... it's just the same firing logic used for the Mammoth tank. They have dual rocket launchers, which need to reload between shots I've seen this, but only when either trying to move it too far (I think they have a maximum action radius?), or when having a group selected that's deemed too large for some reason. My point is that air units are generally a lot faster than ground units. So the one air unit that can scout is only about as fast as a ground unit. That's a good point... it's actually very sad to see how a lot of very nice features, like the little action cutscenes before and after missions, and such details as individualised voice sets (per actual individual, not per type), got reduced as they made new games. RA2 barely still has any action cutscenes... As I said, that change was made in the Firestorm expansion pack, so if you install a plain old vanilla CD Tiberian Sun, you will have the old behaviour. The fact everything can shoot through it is weird though...
  7. The main advice I could give is... start with Dune II. I'm serious, by the way. When you start, it will barely seem like RTS at all, and you'll have to get used to the way the game works. But if you go up from there, to C&C1, then RA1, then TS, you will not see shortcomings. You will see improvements. So what exactly is the Orca issue? Jumpjets are the only air units with full sight range. Their speed is the payoff for that (see next point) Westwood never wanted air units to be for exploring. This is a game design decision. This is very clear from the way they have no sight at all in C&C1 and RA1. Anti-armour weapons are anti-armour. If they changed that and made it good vs infantry as well, infantry would be come completely useless. This pretty much happened in Red Alert, and it was not a good thing. Terrain stopping projectiles is annoying, yes, but there's no much that can be done about that I think. It's just how the engine works. Unit voices... variety? Really? In C&C1 the only unit with custom voices was the commando. Nyerguds's Rule #1 of playing old games: DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT FEATURES THAT WERE ADDED IN ITS SUCCESSORS. Firestorm walls don't stop missiles since the firestorm patch, because they made missiles pretty much 100% useless in multiplay. It also doesn't stop energy weapons like lasers and the Distruptor. but besides that, it should work fine...
  8. On,e immediate issue I can spot with that is that SS was ridiculously unbalanced; the units with spray weapons (flame/chem) and the dinosaurs could never get range upgrades.
  9. They said they have the C&C1 source code and are basing it on that: I've seen it more closely, but I'm behind an NDA, so this is the best you're gonna get until Jim gives the official word.
  10. I see them. It's called detailing. If you want all that smoothed away you might as well just upscale the 1995 graphics... That said, some tweaks were already suggested internally; it makes little sense to have screw slits in those big ones.
  11. I told them several times, but the simple fact is, the game engine's cells are square...the actual cells would have to be 5x6 to really get around this issue ? As for the art, honestly, I think it looks great, though there have already been further internal comments on the design. What the heck are you talking about? "subtly implies that this will be a different game engine-wise"? wtf. No. It's the C&C1 engine. How would art even imply this.
  12. @FunkyFr3sh Well, the code starts at 0044AB83. First it differentiates between funpark and normal. It seems the spawn chance is 1/1000 for normal games, and 1/450 for dinos. The actual call to the randomizer is at 0044ABA3. If the test fails, it aborts. Then once again it checks if funpark or normal, and if funpark, it creates an object for one of the 4 dinos. If not, it jumps to 0044ABF6, where it creates an object for the visceroid. Then it picks a random location inside the map bounds and spawns it. The simple fix for all this would be to replace the first funpark check by your own check, and make it either abort, or jump on to selecting the value "1000" to check. #EIP=0044AB83 cmp byte [????????], 0 ; your variable for disabling visceroids; "not 0" would mean they are disabled. jnz 0044AC80 ; abort jmp 0044AB9C ; set eax to 1000 and continue random spawn check This would end up being just 15 bytes: Offset 3AF83: 80 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 0F 85 F0 00 00 00 EB 0A As I said, though, I dunno how you make your checkboxes and how you communicate that to the game. You'll have to save your config value somewhere and then insert the address in the code above. (Ideally, the whole thing could be rewritten to actually choose to spawn either nothing, visceroids or dinosaurs, but I'm betting whoever ends up in the north will strongly disagree with me on that ) Note that according to this code, visceroids only appear if you are playing on Tech level 7. This rule does not apply to the dinosaurs.
  13. Well, I have no idea how cncnet makes its checkboxes... but I can look up where the spawning code is located in the exe. I remember that when I experimented with adding new units I originally used the dinosaurs, which required me to change the unit IDs of the dinosaurs... and through that, when checking where the game used those IDs, I discovered that when Funpark mode is enabled, the game randomly spawns dinosaurs in multiplayer, just like visceroids. So I'm fairly sure I found the code that handles that spawning for both of them.
  14. Y'know, I'm fairly sure I know where the visceroid spawning happens. Can probably just disable that outright.
  15. You should zip them up to one archive, lol...
  16. Of course. Addons on C&C1 are very simple things. No in-depth install involved. Put files in folder and they work, remove them and everything is back to normal.
  17. Where did you download it, and how are you running it? This should be all you need: Full game installer English videos pack
  18. *looks at the title* Is that supposed to be "programmers" or "pro gamers"?
  19. Hmm, shouldn't that be 480? Height adjustment is 5/6, so for a play resolution of 1920x1080 you would need a game resolution of 1920x900. Straight conversion of that to an in-game content width of 1024 (divide both by 1.875) gives 1024x480, not 1024x576.
  20. If you want the game in its intended aspect ratio, use 1024 x 480 stretched to 1920x1080 ?
  21. Moved. The "Suggestions" forum is about the remasters, not about CnCNet...
  22. Note that if you implement this correctly as described on the wiki page, you can actually define multiple filters to be applied on unit graphics. I tried doing that in the original game, but sadly the game only reserved 512 bytes for reading the file, so it could never store more than just the index block and the shadow remap table. The shroud edge shadows use this principle as well; the ?SHADOW.MRF file contains a whole bunch of filters, and has an index that assigns them to specific palette indices, and you can see in the shroud graphics SHP file that exactly those indices are used as gradual fade to black.
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