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The official CnCNet5 client+game package download thread


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  On 9/5/2013 at 1:07 PM, Nyerguds said:


i removed all crapware nyerguds added and now the game is just 6mb :D

You mean you stripped the game to such an extent it doesn't even contain missions or music anymore... and again, I wonder, why?


Maybe to make it fit into 5 floppies disks :D

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you can upload it to virustotal.com and you will see all the files are totally clean, norton/symantec is well known for being one of the worst antivirus software that exists .. so please dont blame other people if you are using such horrible software


read this here about norton:



you can also google to find more info about symantec and their crapware


btw, i also recommend AntiVir like the guy on that website. Im using it since many years and i never had such problems

you can get it here: http://www.avira.com/en/downloads

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Avast trips about unknown software, maybe Norton also do it. When I compile a Hello World in C it warns me... :P


And also, I do not recommend any Symantec software when it is related to security due the well-know fact that happened arround 2006.


The crapware we commented here is just a joke about his "1-click install" feature, which in most installers it includes useless toolbars and such that are not included here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The string tables have been updated! All missing strings have been added (including tooltips)


Translators needed!


The following languages are 50% done: Eesti Deutsch Hrvatski Nederlands Polski Russian Spanish


For all other languages a complete translation is needed


The english example and the half done string tables for the other languages stated above can be downloaded here: http://funkyfr3sh.cncnet.org/files/RA1O-StringTables.zip



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