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Red Dawn (RA-1)


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That's part of my patch, actually. I added custom capturability because the original logic was horribly flawed.


See, the logic was in the mouse cursor's ability to give the capture command. The building is technically capturable, but you can't give an engineer the command with the mouse. This not only meant that the AI could still perfectly capture your ACC (which I successfully tested in the Covert Ops mission "Blackout"), but you can't even capture it back when they do. On top of that, for some messed up reason this mouse logic was disabled in multiplayer, meaning GDI's superweapon could be captured while Nod's couldn't.


I fixed it by making it truly uncapturable, and making the mission exception to change that. "Capturable" is really the only option for structures implemented that way, but yes, it can be used to change the capturability for any building.


There are a few other mission options like that... custom colours for the houses, and mission-specific general options in the [basic] section, like enabling showing true names for civilians and such, and the "PassiveHelis" one for the Nod mission where you have to capture a GDI helipad.

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Yes it is not shown in the screen. With RA1 I couldn't make the cap and need to defend the Tech Center work right. Every time I would cap the Tech Center the game thought I destoryed it so the Tech Center is alreay Nod when you get to the base.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 10:01 PM, Allen262 said:

Yes it is not shown in the screen. With RA1 I couldn't make the cap and need to defend the Tech Center work right. Every time I would cap the Tech Center the game thought I destoryed it so the Tech Center is alreay Nod when you get to the base.

Huh, very strange. I know there are several missions with objectives to capture in the vanilla RA missions...

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Changes which need to be applied:


004F7545  B5 04            MOV CH,4

005538A9    B4 03          MOV AH,3

005538B0    B2 04          MOV DL,4


or if you want a slightly darker green color:


004F7545  B5 04            MOV CH,3

005538A9    B4 03          MOV AH,3

005538B0    B2 04          MOV DL,3


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The don't quite work right. I make the stock Entered by...USSR Reveal around waypoint... 95 and Destroyed by anybody Loser is... USSR. The prob is after I cap the Tech Center the game fogets about Destroyed by anybody part of the trigger. Changing the type to semi-constant or constant has no effect or makes caping the Tech Center fail the mission.



The download speed was buch better at one time. Banshee is hosting files as well over at PPM. A link to the PPM thread is at the bottom of the first post. It would be nice if Tore would host files here as well.


Nod aircraft are gray/blue in C&C95.


I'm fine with the text power, colors and main menu layout. In the next patch (If not the Red Dawn 2015 and Red Dawn Online 2015) I plan to change the Repair Sell and Map to white. ( I should have done it in the last patch but forgot tell after I posted it) Update all of the theaters with the terrain expansion I was working on. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2620.0 Add a the Win/Des RAED.

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I disagree with the way  the text power, colors and main menu layout and stuff look. I think they look awful. It's your mod though of course.


I fixed the MCV and Harvester and fixed the aircrafts remaps too now.


Yes RapidShare used to be better but it still was mediocre--now it's absolute garbage. The alternative PPMsite link isn't really visible compared to the 6 RapidShare links.

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Iran: I don't really feel like having to change them with every RA95.exe update. The Main Menu one is nice since things aren't hanging over the letters any more.



Fine with me. I keep every thing I make free for use. (credit if used in a public mod) If you already don't know the new building placement grid (trans.icn) is in the EXPAND4.MIX.

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Ah, I understand that. I could add them as rules.ini options if you like though. They're only cosmetic so it doesn't interact with the dozens of other subsystems which interact strictly with rules.ini.

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Guest Copper

Hey, new member here. Mind you, noob on forums.


Allen, Red Dawn is my favorite mod ever, and I mean it! Great work.  :beer:


I ain't a noob at mission-making, and you can expect a few of my creations for Red Dawn...  ;)

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Guest Copper

Oookay, I'm making my first mission for Red Dawn and I have a problem.


I can't get the custom tutorial (for text triggers) to work. I've tried almost everything.


If I use numbers starting from 1 for the triggers, the text in the tutorial.ini is displayed instead.

If I use numbers beyond what is in tutorial.ini (say, 300), the game will simply crush when the message is to be displayed.


Help please, anyone? I wouldn't like to have to use the tutorial.ini itself...

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A rules option would work better.






As for the error. I can think of 2 things. The lengh is too long or the game can't use text triggers numbers past 300. If the 2nd is the case thankfull the Iran patch will now let you use a custom Tutorial file. In the [basic] part of the map add TutorialFile=*Your_Tutorial_File_Name*.ini. Now when the game load your mission it will use your new tutorial file.

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Guest Copper



Oh, I've already done that. I read the related How To, and acted accordingly. Really, I can't think what I may be doing wrong.

Could it be my system configuration? Doubtful, though. I use Vista on one PC and 7 on another.


Thanks for the reply, btw.

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Guest Copper



I suggest you also read the Mission Creation Guide for Red Alert. It doesn't assume you have RAED, but it has very valuable info. You can find it in the site's Guides section.


I would also suggest you make a list of the tech levels for the various units and structures, to use the appropriate tech levels in the missions. Take a look at rules.ini and aftrmath.ini for these.


Good luck!

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  On 4/6/2014 at 10:36 AM, Copper said:



Oh, I've already done that. I read the related How To, and acted accordingly. Really, I can't think what I may be doing wrong.

Could it be my system configuration? Doubtful, though. I use Vista on one PC and 7 on another.


Thanks for the reply, btw.


I got the same crash. To make matters worst the newest verion of the Iran patched RA95.exe the Custom Tutorial key was changed and dosn't work at all. Not even a crash, it displays the stock one. I will send a PM to Iran and see if maybe he can do something about it.

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Guest Copper
  On 4/6/2014 at 6:55 PM, Allen262 said:


I got the same crash. To make matters worst the newest verion of the Iran patched RA95.exe the Custom Tutorial key was changed and dosn't work at all. Not even a crash, it displays the stock one. I will send a PM to Iran and see if maybe he can do something about it.


Yes, that's what I meant happened to me too. With "usual" numbers, stock text; with too high numbers, crash.

Anyway, the mission is otherwise ready, but I'll wait for this to be resolved before releasing it. In the meantime, I'll start work on my second one.

I'm sure Iran will be able to do something about this.

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